Saturday 31 December 2016

Photo-voltaic System

Photovoltaic System

An individual PV cell is usually small, typically producing 1 or 2 watts of power which is enough to run low power calculator. Since the PV cell is essentially a diode, forward bise voltage of diode is typically .7 V. The PV cells are connected together in parallel and series arrangement to increase the power rating. To boost the power output of PV cell. They are connected together to form large unites called modules.  If V is the voltage of cell and m is number cells are connected in series, the voltage of modules is V mod = mV. Modules in turn can be connected in parallel to form even larger unit called array. Which can be inter connected to produce more power. If I is the current capability of a cell and n number of modules are connected in parallel, the current capability of an array is
iar = ni
Therefor output power of cell array becomes Par = mnVI.

That is the array power becomes mn times of a single cell power PC. PV system can be built to meet almost any electric power need small and large. Several of these array from PV system. The tracking devices are tilt on arrays to maximize the exposure of the cells to the sun arrays. A PV system is normally operated to maximize the power at Vmp and Imp. The operating point is known as Maximum Power Point (MPP).
An input capacitor is normally connected at the output of the PC array to provide a low path for input current of the dc-dc convert. Equating the currents at the inputside of the boost convertor, we get
ip = icdp + ii = Ci (dvp/dt) + ii

Under steady state condition ip is equal current ii. Therefor operating point move toward MPP by adjusting ii. The algorithm shown in equation for implementation require measuring PV array voltage and current which is used to measure the Power and slop.  Therefor based on the sign of the slop (dpp/dvp), the reference current Iref is increased or decreased for moving the operating point toward the zero slope point. 

Thanks for Suggestion