Monday, 24 September 2018

Can 100% Renewable Energy Power The World

Every year world use 35 billion barrels of oil this massive scale of fossil fuels dependents pollutes the earth and it were not last forever. The scientist researcher that we consumed 40 % oil according to the present estimate. This rete will run out oil and gas 50 years and coal in an about a century.
On the other side we have abundant solar, water and wind these are renewable resources. So the point is how we can change the world from fossil fuels to renewable sources.
This question rises since a century but it’s hard to answer?

Yet renewable energy provide only 13% of our needs that’s requires 100% that’s inexpensive and accessible. This represent a huge challenge we ignore the politics involve and focus of science and engineering we can better understand the problem by understanding how use energy. The global energy use is a dive race and complex system. The different element require their own solution but now we focus on these to familiar used in daily life.
The electricity and liquid fuel. Electricity powers a lot of things in industry as well as home. Liquid fuels play a crucial role in the transportation.
Let consider the electrical portion first the great news is our electrical advance technology can get energy from every form of renewable source.

 The Sun is the fundamental source of solar energy and continuously accelerates 173 Quadrillion Watts of solar energy at the earth. Its approximate 10000 time more than our need. It is estimated that the surface expands almost 7000 km will be needed to power humanity and our present usage level so, why we not builds that because there are other difficulties like efficiency and transportation.
Firstly the desert are the best places for solar energy but they are located for away from our populated areas where the electricity demand is very high. We transmit the energy by cables through pole that is too expensive and energy loss.

Today the transmitted lines loss the energy 6 to 8% and longer power line dissipate more energy the only super conductor can reduce this loss but they require cool surface not a heated places.
The other solution is we convert the all renewable energy into easily transportable form. We can stores the energy in lithium dry batteries which is low weight and efficient.

There are other sources like hydroelectric, geoelectric and wind energy but they depends upon the location and availability.  


Thanks for Suggestion