Friday 30 December 2016

Importance Of Photo Voltaic In Solar System

Photo voltaic

Photo voltaic (PV) material and devices convert sunlight in to electrical energy and PV cell are commonly knows are solar cells. The PV cells are electricity producing device made of semiconductor material PV can literally be translated as light electricity. PV has two part: photo drive from Greek word for light and volt relating to electricity pioneer.
PV system are already an important part of our daily life. Simply PV provides the power for small consumer’s items such as calculator and wristwatches. More complicated system provide power for communication satellite, water pumps and machines for home and small industries. Many road and power system are also powered by PV System. In many cases PV power are least expensive than the other electricity.

Photovoltaic Cells

PV cells are the buildings block for all PV systems because they are the device that convert sunlight to electricity. It’s come many size and shapes, for smaller then a postage stamp to several inches across. They are often connected to gather to from PV modules that may be up to several feet long. And few feet wide. Modules in turn can be combined and connected to form PV array of different size and power output. The modules of the array make up important part of the PV System.
When light shines on PV cell it may be reflected observed and pass through. But only the observed light produced electricity. The energy of the observed light transferred to the electron in the atom of the PV cell semiconductor material.  A special electrical property of PV cells are called a built in electric field provides the force and voltage needed to drive the current through a external load such as light bulb.

Types of PV Cells

 Flat plate

The flat plate PV is rectangular and flat this is the most common type of PV array used in most comment appliances. Flat cells are often mounted at fixed angle that maximize the exposure to the sun through the year. In more flexible system, the angle of sola plate change and to track the optimal sun exposure during the day.

      Convex lens

Convex lens concentrating on PV cells require less material for the same power output then the flat plate cells. Thus they are smaller in size, however concentrating cell operate beat when the sky clear of cloud.
The PV current can be related to the cell voltage by the Schockley Diode equation.

Thanks for Suggestion