Sunday 18 December 2016

What is Solar Tracking System &How it is Work

Tracking Systems

It is said that far a time that the collector which is not move because it is attached with the surface. in the most circumstances it is look that collector which is used to follow the path of sun in the vast sky due to permission of racks are most cost effective.
There are two types of tracker
Two- axis Tracker
Single-axis Tracker
Two- Axis Tracker track the sun in from of two angel like Azimuth and the Altitude angels so that the collectors show the right direction of Sun always.

Here to calculate the diffuse insolation and the beam plus at the 2-axis tracker are simple as shown in the figure.
                       Relation of two axis Tracking
The beam of sun hit to the collector completely fill the isolation IB which is perpendicular the rays calculated from this equation.

The tilt angle of the collector will be same or equal to the solar altitude angle which is
 The  reflected and diffuse angle combination exaim the following equations.

The Single- Axis Tracker can track one angle azimuth or the Altitude. The photovoltaic are always adjust by the manually north- south axis according the tilt angle. The tracking phenomena which is used to rotate east-west array of collectors shown in the figure.
Single axis tracking with West-East Movement

Polar mount:

Mount tilt angle and the local latitude becomes equals knows as the Polar mount angle.

The center line of the collector point straight in to the Sun when the rotation of the polar mount about its axis becomes match the rotation of earth which is 15 degree per hour as shown in the figure (a).
(a)                  Pole mount single axis tracker   (b)        north pole

The angel of incidence which is perpendicular between rays of sun and collector. At this condition incidence angle equal to the solar declination. To estimate the radiation of diffuse and reflected one of the important is knowledge of collector angle.

 One-Axis, Polar Mount

Thanks for Suggestion