Saturday 19 November 2016

Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant

Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant

Kashiwazaki kariwa plant is the world largest Power plant in the earth it is situtated in Tokyo (Japan) under the hold of TEPCO Tokyo Electric Power Company. TEPCO fulfill the electricity demand of 16 million house-holds. Kashiwazaki kariwa is the 4th one largest nuclear plant due to its 7965 MW net capacity. 
The first 3 are given below.
1. Itaipu near Brazil-Paraguay border.

2. Three Gorges Dam in China.

 3. Guri Dam in Venezuela.

The total install capacity is 8,212MW by using 7 BWR ( boiling water reactor ).Kashiwazaki kariwa becomes the first Power plant which is using the Advanced Boiling water reactor made by General Electric. ABWR used in reactor number 3 and produced 1315MW and the gross capacity was 1356MW.
Gross capacity of all 7 BWR are different 1st five has 1,100MW but the next 2 are 1,356.
Approximately after 12 years of hard work in Kashiwazaki kariwa plant all the unit start working. The first unit start in September 1985 and the last unit began commercially work in July 1997. The plant was working in 1985 but due to safety check and problems of earthquake the plant was re-opened in 2009.
Nuclear power plant safety is one of most important thing so TEPCO start working on the suggestion about the safety which given by Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority.
The Japan face a no. Of earth quake in each year so every building which is design in Japan according to obsorbe the maximum earth quake shock. The plant building also well safe but the earth quake of 2007 measuring 6.8 on Richter scale was damaged the Power Plant so due to earth quake the radioactive substance and radiation escaped cause the badly effect the water and air.  
2007 earthquake damage
 In 2004 October the earthquake measured 6.8 hit the Niigata Prefecture city and effected the daily life.
Kashiwazaki kariwa plant work normally during the earth quake but the single one unite try to force shutdown. 

Thanks for Suggestion