Monday 9 January 2017

Different form of Ocean energy

Ocean energy

Ocean coverd more than two third of the earth surface. Ocean contain thermal erergy from the sun and produce mechanical energy from tides and waves. Even through the sun effect all ocean activity, the gravitational pull of moon primarily drives tides, and the wind power ocean wave. Anyone looking at the ocean standing on the seashore can witnessed the endiess power of ocean energy. The ocean energy can be difference type

Ocean thermal

For wind energy harnessing, the turbine is generally mounted on the top of generator. For ocean energy the generated generally mounted on the top of turbine. Similarly to wind energy technology, the DFIG, SCIG, SG, PMSG or SCR CAN CONVERTED the ocean energy and power converters control the power flow to the unity grid or sustumers.

Wave energy

Wave energy technologies extracted energy directly from surface waves or from pressure fluctuations below the surface. There is enough energy in the ocean in wave to produced up 2 terawatts of electricity. However wave energy can not be harnessed everywhere. For example the wave power rich areas of the world include the western cost  of scot land, northern Canada , southern Africa and Australia as well as the northeastern and north western coast of the united state. Wave energy can be converted in to electricity by offshore and onshore system.

Offshore system

Offshore system are situated in the deep water tipicily more then 131 ft. Sophisticated mechanisms such as the Salter Duck use the bobbing motion of the wave to power a pump  that creates electricity. Other offshore devices use hoses connected to floats that ride the waves. The rise and fall of the float stretches and relaxes the hose which pressurize the water which in turn rotates a turbine, specially built seagoing vessels can also capture the energy of offshore waves. These floating platforms create electricity by funneling  waves through internal turbine and then back in to sea.

Onshore system

Built along shorelines on shore wave power system extracted the energy of breaking waves. Onshore system technologyies such as oscillating water columns, tapchans, and pendulor devices are used are used for converting the waves energy into mechanical energy to generate electricity.

Oscillating water columns

It consist of a partially submerged concrete or steel structure that has opening to the sea below the waterline. It enclose a column of air above a column of waves enter the air column they cause the water column rise and fall. This alternatively compresses and depressurizes the air column. As the wave retreats, the air is drawn back through turbine as a result of the reduced air pressure on the ocean side of the turbine.


Tapered channel system consist of a tapered channel that fees into a reservoir constructed on cliff above the sea level.the narrowing of the channels cause the waves to increase in height as they move toward the cliff face. The wave spillover the walls of the channel into the reservoir, and the stored water is then fed through a turbine.

Pendulor Devices

Pendulor wave power devices consist of a rectangular box that is open at one end. A flap is hinged over the opening over the opening and the action of waves causes the flap to swing back and forth. The motion power a hydraulic pump and a generator.    

Mechanism of wave Generated of wave Generation

Strom generated waves by friction of wind against the water surface. The stronger and longer the wind.

Thanks for Suggestion