Sunday 20 November 2016

Bruce Nuclear Power Generating Station, Toronto, Canada

Bruce Power Generating Station, Toronto, Canada

Bruce Power Generating plant in short BPGS is the second position among of largest Nuclear Power plants. It is located in near the lake Huron about 250 km north west of Toronto Ontario Canada. It is the first non-govt power plant and the largest plant in North America and 2nd largest in the whole world because the first one is Kashiwazaki-Kariwa. 
Ontario Hydro started construction of BPGS in 1970 and the construction was complete at 1987 approximate in 17 years. BPGS produced 20 % electricity of Ontario which is very interesting. BPGS has total area about 2,300- acre. BPGS divided in two part first one is called Bruce A and second One is called Bruce B. Due to some issues Bruce A were out of form and all the reactors was shut down between 1995 - 1998, but during these period  Bruce B working very well. In January 2004 and October 2003 respectively the remaining 3rd and 4th unit of Bruce A was resumed. When all the rector working there full potential then the net generation of electricity around 6,232 MW.

Bruce Power Plant history

In 1987 all the construction work and the installation was completed by Ontario Hydro the division of time such as the 1st  two units was starting working in 1977 and the second one are completer in 1978-87, Bruce B was completed and generated electricity in 1999 Ontario Power generation (OPG) also added in Ontario Hydro and total Ontario divide in 5 parts. OPG operate all the power generating plant in the Canada.
BPGS Plant details
CANDU is the name of reactors which is used in Bruce A and Bruce B in a heavy safety building and using specific material to control the radiation effect and rate of reaction.
Total 8 number of reactor installed in the Bruce  A and 6 are working normally but the two the reaming 2 are under construction those can produced 1500 MW and now rated capacity is 4700MW.

Thanks for Suggestion