Sunday 4 December 2016

Why Wind-Hydro hybrid system are more Useful.

 Wind-Hydro hybrid system

In present humans are more concerning use of fossil fuel like coal, nuclear, furans oil etc. sources for generating electricity to fill-full their daily routine but no one think what happen in near future if these sources which is consuming massive quantity will finish for example we use coal for generating electricity a huge amount of coal burn to produce heat and then vaporize the water to run the generator for required rpm. We are using large amount of coal and it will finish soon because coal are formed hundreds of year inside the earth due to heat and chemical reactions hence the formation time of coal is hundreds of years but the consumption time are in days. 
Like coal the fairness oil consumption increase day by day it is used in generation as well as in automobiles. Its consumption is double then coal and talk about nuclear which is also using to generation of electricity and destruction of earth forming nuclear weapon. Every country try to form more effective and dangerous Atom bomb but they are not blind to see what happen in Nagasaki Japan. The point is we have to look serious for consumption of Renewable sources like water, Wind. We can generate electricity from these sources without any effect of environment and no fear to finish them. 
Wind- Hydro Hybrid system are more effective for hilly areas because there are lot of water present and the average velocity of air are very impressive. We have formed a system which can generate electricity from both Wind and Hydro. Wind and Hydro both help each other to move the shaft of generator. It’s very difficult to form such system in Mw But easy for Kw. Hilly areas all over the world faces problem of electricity if small amount of such system install there even in different areas where the irrigation system and wind average speed is 10 – 12 mph works efficiently. 

Thanks for Suggestion